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Jul 18
King Edward VI Grammar School Logo and Allied Protek Logo representing work experience.

Allied Protek Excited To Welcome Work Experience Students

Last month, Allied Protek proudly welcomed work experience students from King Edward VI Grammar School in Louth.

Our goal was to provide them with valuable, real-world exposure to the engineering industry in which we operate.

The students gained a comprehensive understanding of our work by rotating through various teams and trades. On their first day, they reviewed engineering diagrams and simulations with different teams, assisted in building electrical cabinets, and enjoyed an in-depth workshop tour.

Tuesday found them in the mechanical workshop, shadowing our team as they fitted machinery. They learned about dismantling and assembling components, along with proper torque application and handling techniques.

Next, the students visited the pipe fitting workshop, where they shadowed pipefitters focused on quality control and material preparation. They quickly grasped the importance of standardisation and high-quality work during these inspections. Hands-on learning took centre stage when they spent time with our welders. They not only learned about the skill itself and the meticulous attention to detail required but also had the fantastic opportunity to try welding themselves.

Careers and Events Coordinator at King Edward VI Grammar School, Carley Healey said:

“I just wanted to take this opportunity to thank you and your colleagues for offering our Year 10 students the opportunity to gain work experience within the organisation from 24-28th June 24. I know how much time and effort goes into the week and it is appreciated by myself and our students. Feedback from our students and employers has been amazing and reading through the students comments to support next year’s cohorts shows they’ve gained a lot from the opportunity, so thank you!”

We believe that providing work experience opportunities is an investment in the future. It allows students to gain valuable insights into the working world, explore potential career paths, and develop essential skills that will benefit them throughout their lives.

A final thank you goes to King Edward VI Grammar School and their students, who were a delight to work with all week. We hope this experience was rewarding for both the students and our teams. You can check out all the latest information from Allied Protek by visiting our news page.